Overview News
12. January 2023

Photo competition LED Bolivia - winning pictures

In 2022, The LED office in La Paz, Bolivia, held a photo competition for the second time. Once again, the best pictures of the year from the local partner organisations were chosen. The photos submitted had to be related to the thematic focal points of the LED: Food Security and Agroecology, Intercultural Bilingual Education, Technical Education and Environment. The competition comprised two categories: In the first category, project staff participated; in the second category «direct beneficiaries» of the projects (youth and adults) were also invited to participate.

The winning pictures showed, among other things, the cultivation of plants, sustainable education and learning as well as tradition and everyday life in the Andes. The winning photo in category 1 by Mirian Karen Ortiz Guillén portrays a boy helping his aunt, a plant grower, to tend the family garden. In category 2, the winner was the picture by Alexander Rafael Veliz Pinto, which presents an interesting view of project workers harvesting vegetables. The jury of the competition consisted of external experts as well as LED staff.

Here you can view   the winning pictures of the photo competition