
The project work of the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) is guided by the basic principle of sustainability, partnership-based relationships and the promotion of taking responsibility. The partnerships are based on shared values and goals, on trust and on transparency. The collaboration must have a broad impact and be non-discriminatory; it must rely on the basis of human rights, the rule of law, democracy, security and peace.


Focusing the projects on the sustainable development goals of the Agenda 2030 promotes the impact of the global partnership for effective development cooperation. All project planning, realisation and monitoring is designed to focus on effectiveness, is carried out to high professional standards and prioritises the long-term improvement of the living conditions in the recipient countries.


The realisation of development cooperation projects is the most extensive of the LED's areas of responsibility. Every year, around 90% of the available funds are spent on the two categories «Major projects» and «Small-scale projects». Approximately half of this funding is used to support the world's LDC, the least developed countries.

Selected projects

Project Sheets

Which projects does the LED support? Here you will find one-page summaries of selected current examples from various LED focus countries.


Country Project  
Africa regional Resilience for smallholder farmers Download Project Sheet (PDF)



Vocational training in irrigation technology for adolescents and small farmers Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Bolivia Les Ningunes - Small agroecological enterprises in Bolivia Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal Education for Opportunity: Empowering women and young people in the Sahel Download Project Sheet (PDF)

Burkina Faso and Mali


Rural development with a focus on food security and agricultural education in West Africa Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Burkina Faso  Improving the living conditions of the population of Burkina Faso Download Project Sheet (PDF)

Burkina Faso


Sustainable Food Security and Resilience for farming families in Burkino Faso

Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Burkina Faso

Improving the economic and political situation of women rice parboilers

Download Project Sheet (PDF)



Sisters of Code - Reducing the digital skills gender gap in Cambodia

Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Cambodia Digital Learning Materials for TVET (DLM4TVET) Download Project Sheet (PDF)

Open Educational Resources and Digital Skills

Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Cambodia Digital Visualisation Technology Skills Accelerator Program Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Kenia/Tanzania Innovative vegetable cultivation to strengthen traditional varieties Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Mozambique Support for Sustainable Agriculture Value Chains Development in Namuli Territory (Project Namuli) Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Mozambique Project AMCANE - Increased Income and Food Security thanks to organic farming of nuts Download Project Sheet (PDF)

Republic of Moldova


Skills for an environmentally

sustainable transition in Moldova

Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Republic of Moldova Consept V - Strengthening vocational education and training Download Project Sheet (PDF)

Republic of Moldova


VET institutions provide vocational qualifications (CREATIVO) Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Senegal Gender-sensitive programme for sustainable food security Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Senegal Alternative, low-cost certification system: «Bio Senegal» Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Zambia ACEZ - Advancing Vocational Clinical Education in Zambia Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Zambia Vocational Skills Development
for the Water Sector in Zambia
Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Zambia Decentralized Education of Nurses (Projekt SUDEN) Download Project Sheet (PDF)
Tanzania Curriculum Implementation Support for Training Institute (CISTI) Download Project Sheet (PDF)

Major projects

The LED spends a substantial proportion of its resources on the realisation of development projects that meet the following criteria:


  • The planned projects are located in a key country and focus on one of the topics in the LED's key sectors. Support is also given to international potential projects that address one of these topics.
  • They must take the LED's cross-cutting issues into account to an appropriate extent and are related to the sustainable development goals of the Agenda 2030.
  • They are designed to have a relevant and significant impact and are usually planned and carried out for several years in project phases and also in accordance with the latest project management standards.
  • The projects are designed to promote independent development, are developed together with the locals, who are involved on a participative basis, and also co-supported by them.
  • They undertake to file regular reports and to undergo an annual external audit. They are implemented by experienced local organisations. They are evaluated externally on a regular basis.
  • They liaise with the LED and the LED coordination offices or an experienced development organisation from Europe.


«Major projects»

Download 2023 project list

Download 2022 project list

Download 2021 project list

Download 2020 project list

Download 2019 project list

Small-scale projects

The following applies to small-scale projects – i.e. funding of up to CHF 25,000:


  • The projects must be managed, and the funding must be applied for, by Liechtenstein-based institutions. The Liechtenstein-based applicants are responsible for the realisation and monitoring of the project.
  • They have a positive impact on women, social justice and the environment.
  • They are not limited to the LED's key countries or sectors.
  • They tend to have a short-term character.
  • They present a plan that illustrates the problem and the envisaged solution (goals, target groups, activities, funds).
  • They undertake to present truthful reports.
  • They meet the regulation requirements.


«Regulations for small-scale projects»

Download PDF (in German)



For all «small-scale project» related matters, please contact:


Claudia Foser-Laternser

T +423 222 09 75