Overview News
28. March 2022

LED with Liechtenstein's foreign minister in Tansania

The projects financed by Liechtenstein in Tanzania contribute to making agriculture there more sustainable and climate-sensitive. Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler will personally visit the projects and is spending the days from 27 March to 1 April in Tanzania, one of the LED's priority countries. Today, the Minister met her Tanzanian counterpart Ambassador Liberata Mulamula in Dar es Salaam.  Accompanied by the LED, the delegation also visited the office of the partner organisation SWISSAID in the city of Morogoro in eastern Tanzania.


For more information, see the FL Government's media release or the tweets on @foreigntanzania.


Picture right: Liberata Mulamula and Dominique Hasler with representatives of both governments and the Liechtenstein Office of Foreign Affairs (AAA) as well as with Managing Director Andreas Sicks and Project Manager Patrik Aus der Au from LED.

Bild von LED with Liechtenstein's foreign minister in Tansania