Overview News
14. September 2023

SDG 2 "No Hunger" - LED events in the SDG Tower

The Schaan SDG Tower is the stage for Liechtenstein's commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The topic in the first week of September was SDG 2 "No Hunger". In its Strategy 2023-2026, the LED places the greatest emphasis on creating sustainable food systems in its partner countries. Local actors are strengthened wherever possible and their networking is promoted. A wide-ranging transfer of knowledge takes place within and between the projects. The LED project managers Marion Reichenbach and Patrik Aus der Au illustrated during the LED events in the tower the exemplary implementation of the new approach in projects in Senegal and Tanzania. These included, among others, the support of Senegalese farmers for organic certification of their products and the long-term importance of improved curricula in the training of agricultural extension workers in Tanzania. Coordinated interventions work at different levels and, together with improved framework conditions, have great potential for change.