Overview News
11. December 2023

Development Cooperation via Radio

Radio can contribute a great deal to food security, for example in Tanzania. This is made possible by practice-oriented, agricultural radio broadcasts in local languages. They support small farmers in cultivating their land sustainably and ecologically without the use of pesticides. As part of the Radio L advent calendar, the LED presented this project, one of many, to the public - the Farmer Communications Programme, which the LED supports and which is coordinated and accompanied by the partner organization Biovision.

LED project manager Patrik Aus der Au opened the 9th advent door in the «Geh statt Neh» (Giving instead of taking) program on Saturday, December 9, and explained in conversation with Radio L* presenter Stephanie Fleisch how «development cooperation via radio» (broadcast in German) has a positive impact on several levels in this special project. Have fun listening!


*Radio L is the Liechtenstein national radio station