Overview News
12. October 2023

Agroecology - What the LED contributes to reducing hunger in Subsaharan-Africa

Text für the media, October 9, 2023


A massive deterioration of the economic and political framework conditions - especially for the poorest population groups in sub-Saharan Africa - threatens to reverse the progress made in recent years towards achieving SDG 2. The Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) is working with partner organisations to stop the negative trend.


(Schaan, 9 October 2023) More than one third of all people suffering from hunger or malnutrition live in Africa. It is therefore not without reason that more than 50% of the LED funds flow into more than 20 projects in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Senegal, Mali and Burkina Faso. SDG 2 - «No Hunger» is a central concern of LED as a bilateral donor of Liechtenstein. «With this orientation, we are increasingly strengthening local actors (smallholders, advisors, governments) and thus accelerating the change towards sustainable food systems with a focus on agroecology (AÖ). Even as a small organisation, we can achieve a lot in close cooperation with partners», summarises LED-CEO Director Andreas Sicks.


Barren soil instead of full supermarket shelves
The majority of the rural population in sub-Saharan Africa has little access to the knowledge needed to practise productive, sustainable agriculture with limited resources. Farmers sow on poorly fertile, degraded soils, with unsuitable seeds and fertilisers, inadequate irrigation and often without know-how about «best practices» in the choice of their cultivation methods and in the proper storage of the harvest. In this situation, Liechtenstein's support can make a tangible difference. Be it by offering local actors and smallholders qualified practical advice on the spot for their entire value chain, this also includes practical measures such as the provision of high-quality seeds and implements, if needed. Liechtenstein's commitment further helps to improve political and structural framework conditions, e.g. access to sales markets, and puts agricultural universities and schools in a position, for example, to conduct research projects independently and offer students tailor-made curricula and training modules.


Agroecology as a compass for good agriculture

Agroecology is not only science, but also a practical method. It is the compass for a transformation towards sustainable food systems. Organic systems produce high yields overall while protecting the environment and conserving resources. They enable healthier products and higher incomes, create fair framework conditions and include biodiversity and animal welfare. The organic approach also requires intensive knowledge transfer and strong networking both among local producers and with other market participants. For this reason, the LED also supports selected regional agroecology conferences.


Contact for the media: Alexandra Ospelt, +423 222 09 79


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